Saturday 27 February 2010

Lunatic's Laundry

Had a frustrating laundry day. Overstuffed one of the machines, and when I arrived to put the supposedly clean load into the dryer, some of it was soaking wet, some of it was dry. None of it was washed. Wasted 1.60. Separated load into two different machines. Had to borrow change from people. (DOES NO ONE IN YORK HAVE SMALL CHANGE?) Waiting, waiting for laundry now.

Note to self. Do not repeat.

Laundry done.
One came out
of the dryer
The other one
still damp.

That was my poem for the day.

Since I have had to handwash three of my dresses, I had to find a place to hang them up to dry. I placed them on the heater and they have been drying nicely. The only problem is that I turned my room into Singapore. Instant humidity.

Makes me think of my family.

All for now.

Peace out,

1 comment:

Jana Tan said...

love it!! Welcome to the world :-) Where socks go missing and you wonder if dryers have eaten them