Friday, 13 April 2012


I have had a long and glorious day that began with a trip to town with mother, where we ran into my uncle and cousins Amelia and Inga-Linn and joined them for lunch, which was followed by a stop at an electronics store to buy my new camera, home to iron punjabis and pack, and finally, a taco party with the youth group. I am about to nod off to sleep, but I thought it wise to let you know that I will be leaving for Nepal tomorrow, and with my father and a few other team members, will be visiting visiting the Badi girls' homes I mentioned in a previous entry. The next week will be spent in India, seeing the sights of Calcutta and tagging along to the children's home we support in Orissa province. Why, you ask? Touching Asia, my father's ministry, is constantly in need of new material and photos to keep it up-to-date on all fronts, and father asked me if i wouldn't mind taking the job of photographer and videographer on the trip. I have a busy few days ahead of me. Please keep us in your prayers.

Father taking a well-deserved nap.


Matthew said...

I hope you and HÃ¥kan have an amazing and productive trip.

Sara Campbell said...

Hi Hakan! (Get that man a longer bed!)

Nard said...

Safari njema! Godspeed!